A marriage and one son later, the Lius find themselves north of the border, where the jack-of-many-trades is making noise these days at the 19th century church they purchased in the small Ontario town of Paisley. Currently converting it into a high-design home, he’s doing his own woodworking and welding — just some of his talents — while continuing to give good face (when duty calls), and even taking a role in a box office juggernaut Shang-Chi. Daniel is living life on his own terms. Pews, included.
Read MoreElaine Lui is deep into what she does best – telling tales. But this time the subject isn’t a bad boy celebrity or an errant Royal, to mention just a couple of her typical targets. It’s her mother, a formidable personality in her own right who is presently battling cancer, with her daughter alongside her in the trenches, supporting the struggle. It’s not an easy task. At 72, mom’s no lotus flower. Never has been. Born in the Year of the Tiger, Yeung Kwai Fong has a roar that can be heard around the world, especially now that Lainey’s airing it, here, in these pages, as well as on Instagram, where she posts videos of her mother defiantly laughing in the face of the Big C.
Read MoreFete Chinoise had the pleasure of hosting renown lyricist Wing-Him Chan for our Signature Gala and Showcase on Saturday, January 28th along with Yoyo Sham, who was our featured artist and special guest from Hong Kong.
Read MoreFete Chinoise had the pleasure of hosting renown lyricist Wing-Him Chan for our Signature Gala and Showcase on Saturday, January 28th along with Yoyo Sham, who was our featured artist and special guest from Hong Kong.
Read MoreShangri-La Toronto will be paying homage to its Asian heritage this Lunar New Year, as the Year of the Rabbit is celebrated across the hotel in a variety of exciting ways. Shangri-La Toronto will honour Lunar New Year with a traditional Lion Dance, live music, a wishing tree, feature cocktail and the highly anticipated Lunar New Year Afternoon Tea. Shangri-la Toronto is also the venue partner for the grand return of Fête Chinoise Lunar New Year Gala + Showcase on January 28th!
Read MoreHoliday shopping for the special one in your life who has made an impact? Choosing a gift can be a challenging task at an already busy time of year. Whether it's for your lover, parents, siblings and friends, we understand the pressure of getting the right gift. We have curated a list for you to make it all easier and fun to finish your gift list!
Read MoreA growing trend toward the use of Chinese culture in Christmas décor and design has inspired modern designers to create holiday-themed products that connect with the past. Modern design has the ability to revitalize existing cultural elements, connecting today’s dialogue with the past. This article introduces some interesting designs and products of Christmas that are inspired by or employ Chinese cultural elements, preserving and in some ways, innovating using heritage through design.
Read MoreI have many loves of Hong Kong, but I must admit my fondest ones are the childhood memories of cha chaan teng (literally, “tea restaurant”) for breakfast. It is not merely breakfast. Rather, it is akin to a tradition – a cultural ritual – arising from the fusion of culinary traditions, a legacy which continues to date. What started out as open stalls in the early colonial days turned into cozy little bistros designed to hold about 20 to 30 patrons.
Read MoreIt is an extra special year, as we begin to emerge from the pandemic and gather again with loved and close ones.
Choosing a special gift can be a challenging task at a busy time of year. It can also be a lot of fun if everything you are choosing from is already curated for you!
Read MoreIt is an extra special year, as we begin to emerge from the pandemic and gather again with loved and close ones.
Choosing a special gift can be a challenging task at a busy time of year. It can also be a lot of fun if everything you are choosing from is already curated for you!
Read MoreIt is an extra special year, as we begin to emerge from the pandemic and gather again with loved and close ones.
Choosing a special gift can be a challenging task at a busy time of year. It can also be a lot of fun if everything you are choosing from is already curated for you!
Read MoreIt is an extra special year, as we begin to emerge from the pandemic and gather again with loved and close ones.
Choosing a special gift can be a challenging task at a busy time of year. It can also be a lot of fun if everything you are choosing from is already curated for you!
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