A Glimpse into Cathay Ball
Written by Jennifer J. Lau
Translated by Samantha Cheng
Everyone has heard of Marco Polo, the famous Jesuit traveller who wrote about his travels to East Asia. However, it is not as common to realize that China was referred to as “Cathay” in his writings. The origin of this term for China may have come from various languages but it was a term that not many in the Chinese empires would have known and recognized. In other words, they never refer themselves as “Cathay” peoples. But for others outside the Chinese empire, the word became imbued with romantic overtones. Synonymous with China yet slightly more textured, the word “Cathay” would become the name of the fundraising gala for the Mon Sheong Foundation in Toronto in 1992.
Mon Sheong Foundation began in 1964 with a vision to continue sharing Chinese culture in Toronto for youth. The Chinese language school was one way to supplement linguistic knowledge from mainstream education for children, which was primarily in English and French. Many of us in Toronto have benefitted from this initiative – building life-long friendships in Chinese school while gaining a good foundation for Chinese language. Over the years, Mon Sheongtransformed from serving the community primarily as a Chinese language school to providing more services for seniors and relief for their caregiverswhile also developingleadership and cooperative skills among teenagers and young adults.. For over five decades, they have lived out their mission: “Caring for Elderly and Nurturing the Young.”
孟嘗會於1964 年成立,願景是在多倫多的年青一代中傳承中華文化。成立孟嘗會中文學校是其中一個方法,讓一群在主流教育中只會學習英文及法文的學生,得以彌補語文方面的不足。相信在多倫多居住的人當中也有不少受惠者,我們不但建立了畢生的友誼,同時在學校打穩了華語的根基。過去多年孟嘗會從未停步,由最初僅有的中文學校,發展至現時為長者提供多元化的服務,並紓緩看護者的壓力,以及培育年青一代的領導才能及合作精神,55年來一直貫徹「扶老慈幼」的創會宗旨。
Hon. Vivienne Poy and Master Shan Bai Qin in 1992
1992 was a major moment for Mon Sheong Foundation. The inaugural gala was organized and headed up by the Honourable Dr. Vivienne Poy. It was Dr. Poy, a historian and fashion designer, who decided to name the event “Cathay Ball” as a nod to the Chinese heritage at the heart of Mon Sheong Foundation. She recalls the joys of the chairing the Ball for its first two years, happily passing the baton to other community leaders thereafter. Now, Cathay Ball is in its 28th year and Mon Sheong Foundation is working towards building their fourth long-term care centre in Stouffville, a growing town in Toronto East.
Fête Chinoise also has a close relationship with Mon Sheong Foundation as we named them as our first beneficiary of the first Fête Chinoise Signature Event held on November 14, 2015. We aligned in many ways and most importantly, in our desire to share Chinese culture in Canada. While we took a different approach as a cultural platform, we found affinity with the Foundation and proudly donated $19,000 to their initiatives that year. In 2019, we continue our partnership as the Media Sponsor for the 28th annual Cathay Ball.
1992年是一個重要時刻,這一年孟嘗會首次舉辦籌款晚宴,並由利德蕙博士擔任籌委會主席。利德蕙博士是歷史學家以及時裝設計師,是她決定將晚宴命名為Cathay Ball,以表示認同孟嘗會心繫中華傳統文化。利德蕙博士仍然記得首兩年擔任主席的樂事,也很高興之後由其他社區領袖接棒。「孟嘗之夜」今年已踏入第28屆,而孟嘗會仍努力不懈,在大多巿東北部的史托維爾籌建第四間長期護理中心。
Fête Chinoise與孟嘗會關係密切,在2015年11月14日當我們首次舉辦活動,孟嘗會是第一間受惠機構。我們兩個機構有很多相似的地方,而最重要的是,我們都有決心在加拿大推廣中華傳統文化。儘管用作推廣的平台有別,但我們跟孟嘗會的方針非常接近;當年非常榮幸將一筆$19,000的善款捐予孟嘗會。2019年我們將繼續支持孟嘗會,成為第28屆孟嘗之夜的傳媒贊助。
On Saturday, November 2nd, 2019, we hold the expectation that our existing community will continue to give generously towards caring for the aging community that gave their all for us. This year’s Cathay Ball has carefully chosen the theme: Symphony of Lights. The themerepresents the weaving of lives and journeys that have come together to illuminate the community since the inception of Mon Sheong Foundation .
今年11月2 日,我們期望整個社區繼續慷慨支持「孟嘗之夜」,同心關顧這個日漸老化的社區,以及那些為我們貢獻一生的長者。今年「孟嘗之夜」精心挑選了「光輝耀愛心」這個主題,代表我們每個人都是一點光,若能凝聚一起,便能照亮身邊的人以至整個社區。
May we all work together, give support and inspire, shining our brightest light, illuminating our path ahead and composing a symphony that pulls at everyone's heartstrings.