Beyond Borders: an exhibition in toronto on Reshaping the Ordinaries of Hong Kong
Writing are provided by HKETO Office in Toronto
Photo credits: Thomas Lee
Hong Kong Arts Exhibition in Toronto
The Hong Kong Arts Exhibition aim to showcase how Hong Kong artists adopt traditional craft to create culturally-rich contemporary artworks including mini cheongsam dummies, lion head crafts, galvanized iron coffee sets and letter boxes for home deco or use in daily life. The making of these artworks are considered an intangible part of Hong Kong’s cultural heritage and craftsmanship.
The exhibition is jointly presented by Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office (Toronto) and the Hong Kong Arts Centre, supported by the Hong Kong Tourism Board in Canada and CanAsia Creative Exchange.
「超越界限」香港藝術展旨在展示香港藝術家如何運用傳統工藝以創製具豐富文化色彩的當代藝術品,包括迷你長衫、獅子頭紮作工藝品、白鐵(五金)咖啡器皿和用於家居裝飾或日常生活的信箱。 這些藝術品的製作被視為香港文化遺產和工藝的非物質部分。
Beyond Borders: Reshape the Hong Kong Ordinary
Exhibition inside Yorkville Village, Toronto
May 30th to June 28th
The Oval & Upper Oval, Yorkville Village
55 Avenue Road, Suite 2250, Toronto
Three Participating HONG KONG Artists
Paper Crafting Artist 紮作工藝藝術家
Lion Head Artwork 獅子頭紮作工藝品
Courtesy: images from Hong Kong Arts Centre
Chan Wai-tung, Jessica is a Hong Kong artist, who graduated from the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology with a Bachelor’s of Fine Arts. She focuses on sculptures, installations and mixed-media works and is interested in topics such as religions, memories and contemporary human relationships.
In 2018, she joined the Jockey Club ICH+ Innovative Heritage Education Programme – paper crafting technique class. In recent years, she has been learning Chinese traditional bamboo crafts from the ICH master, exploring the characteristics of bamboo and related objects. Jessica’s work is a representation of contemporary ideas through traditional craftsmanship.
陳煒彤於 2018 年參加賽馬會「傳・創」非遺教育計劃的紮作技藝課程。近年她繼續跟隨非遺工藝師傅學習中國傳統紮作工藝,鑽研竹及其相關物件的本質特性。陳煒彤將傳統工藝及當代概念融入於她的作品當中。
Mini Cheongsam Artist 迷你長衫藝術家
Mini Cheongsam Dummy 迷你長衫
Courtesy: images from Hong Kong Arts Centre
Si Meng-kuan, Frankie obtained a Master of Fine Art (Modern Art) from South China Normal University and a Higher Diploma in Visual Arts from Macau Polytechnic Institute. Frankie joined the Jockey Club ICH+ Innovative Heritage Education Programme – Cheongsam sewing technique class in 2018. Being a freelance artist, Frankie works as an arts teacher and participates in various exhibitions held in mainland China, Japan, Korea, Hong Kong and Macau. She specialises in pottery, photography, painting, installation, and textile arts.
畢業於華南師範大學美術系現代藝術創作與理論研究碩士課程及澳門理工學院視覺藝術教育專業。2018 年參與「賽馬會傳・創」非遺教育計劃的長衫製作技藝課程。她曾從事藝術教育工作,並參與過在中國、日本、韓國、香港及澳門舉辦的不同展覽。其創作範疇主要涉及陶瓷、攝影、繪畫、裝置及布藝。
Galvanised Iron Artist 白鐵器具藝術家
Galvanized Iron Making 白鐵信箱
Courtesy: images from Hong Kong Arts Centre
Yu Siu-naam graduated from the Hong Kong Polytechnic University with a Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Industrial Product Design. He is passionate about product design, crafts and coffee. He has been designing and creating coffee products such as coffee roasters, drippers, coffee stands, etc. In 2020, through the Jockey Club ICH+ Innovative Heritage Education Programme – galvanised iron products making technique class, Naam was able to learn from local traditional galvanised iron master Yu Kwok-keung. Naam has been working on adding traditional galvanised iron techniques to modern household coffee products, exploring the possibilities of traditional craftsmanship within our daily lives.
畢業於理大工業產品設計系,並自家設計及製作咖啡豆烘焙機。在 2020 年,透過賽馬會「傳・創」非遺教育計劃的白鐵器具製作技藝課程,跟隨傳統白鐵師傅俞國強先生的教導。近年嘗試將香港的傳統白鐵工藝融入於咖啡器具當中,發掘傳統工藝在現今生活中可展現的不同可能性。
Online talks and workshop
Beyond Borders Online Talk 1
How can we apply the Intangible Cultural Heritage into our society's sustainable life?
Date: June 16 (Thursday)
Time: 19:00 - 20:00 (PDT) / 22:00 - 23:00 (EDT)
Beyond Borders Online Talk 2
How can we bring a new creation into the traditional artisanship alongside its preservation?
Date: June 21 (Tuesday)
Time: 19:00 - 20:00 (PDT) / 22:00 - 23:00 (EDT)
Beyond Borders Online Workshop
Demonstration of bamboo steamer making
Date: 29 June, 2022 (Wednesday)
Time: 19:00 - 20:00 (PDT) / 22:00 - 23:00 (EDT)
Instructor: Ms. Lam Ka-yu, Inkgo, Bamboo Steamer Contemporary Artist
(*A mini bamboo steamer will be given out to participants on a first-come-first-served basis!)
In Universal Music Canada’s innovative headquarters in Toronto’s Liberty Village, Jeffrey Remedios oversees a creative hub that opened its doors in 2022, marking a new chapter for the company in the post-pandemic era. The space, designed to foster collaboration, imagination and innovation, features state-of-the-art recording studios, a performance venue and open-concept office areas bathed in natural light.