Hong Kong: City History Made Modern ‧ Part One 「重」新遊歷 ‧ 東方之珠 【 壹 】
Historic Sites Re-Designed for Everyday Life and Collective Memories
English 英: Deborah Lau-Yu · Chinese 中:文禮
Bernie Ng, Chiang Tsz Kwan, Gustaci Food Gallery, Jason Au, Kevin Chiu, Lau Chi-Chuen,
Louise Restaurant, Matthew Choi, Mike Chan, Nathan Tsui, Nicole Yeung, Richard Le Gat, Romain Jacquet-Lagreze,
Tai Kwun Official, The Murray, Hong Kong, A Niccolo Hotel.
IMAGE: Nicole Yeung | @Nicolemyyeung
he Hong Kong skyline is one of the most spectacular views in the world,
with millions of glittering windows and iconic light beams that illuminate the harbour at night. The view represents the home of over 7 million people and an international business hub that has overcome consecutive challenges in recent years, and still stands as one of the most fascinating world class metropolises. In a bustling city, it is easy to miss the granular texture, design details and history that make each building special. In collaboration with the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office (Toronto), and in celebration of the 25th anniversary of the establishment of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, we invite you into six historic sites in the Central and Sheung Wan districts to see how they have been preserved and transformed into modern day use for the benefit of the local community and visitors.
HONG KONG NIGHT VIEW: Bernie Ng | @Itsbernie81
Tai Kwun 大館
Constructed in 1841-1925 Style: Colonial Reopened: May 29, 2018
建於 1841-1925 年 建築風格:殖民地 重新開放:2018年 5 月29日

Tai Kwun is a current centre for heritage and arts in Central’s SoHo district that is steeped in fascinating Hong Kong legal and judiciary history. It is the Former Central Police Station Compound which is composed of 16 colonial buildings grouped into three historic functions: the former Central Police Station, the Former Central Magistracy and the Victoria Prison. The 16 heritage buildings have been meticulously restored for adaptive reuse. Two new buildings were added, featuring designs inspired by the site's historic brickwork including the JC Contemporary and the HC Cube which stand out in the group with their tall and modern black façades. One of the two new buildings designed by Herzog & de Meuron, JC Contemporary houses exhibition spaces as well as a viewing terrace and a restaurant. The mission of Tai Kwun is to cultivate knowledge and appreciation of contemporary and performing arts and history in the community. In 2019, Tai Kwun was recognized with the Award of Excellence, the highest honour of the 2019 UNESCO Asia-Pacific Awards for Cultural Heritage Conservation.
The murray 香港美利酒店
Building Constructed in 1969 Style: Modernist Repurposed & Reopened: 2018
建於 1969 年 風格:現代主義 重新開放:2018年
ImaGE: Mike Chan | @Mikemikecat.
Image: Jason Au
image: Nathan Tsui
Image: The Murray, Hong Kong, A Niccolo Hotel
The Murray is an unmistakable part of Hong Kong’s identity today. Standing 27 storeys tall, this former government building was the tallest of its kind when it was first constructed in 1969 by British modernist architect, Ron Phillips. Now a five-star chic hotel with 336 suites and guest rooms. The building has won multiple awards for ground-breaking and energy-efficient design. Of particular design interest are its windows meticulously oriented to avoid intrusion of excessive direct tropical sunlight. This design won the Certificate of Merit of the Energy Efficient Building Award in 1994. Another outstanding design feature is its vehicular entrance which is neatly weaved into the steep incline of Cotton Tree Drive and the iconic sequence of four-storey high arches. The tower’s distinctive visual pattern of its white façade and grid of optimally-tilted square windows informed the design principles on the interior of the new hotel: the rooms have inset bays and modular units stemming from the square window and the upper level suites are angled to create a generous central living space. The corner units are luxurious suites that have spectacular and coveted views of both the harbour and peaks,
unique to Hong Kong.
ImaGE: Mike Chan | @Mikemikecat.
香港美利酒店前為政府辦公大樓美利大廈,由當時英國現代主義建築師 Ron Phillips 設計,曾經是最高的政府建築物。大廈經過精心設計,正方形嵌入式窗戶,外牆呈45度角,大大減少太陽直射,同時亦能減低室內溫度。此設計於1994年贏得「建築物能源效益獎」的優異獎。 2018年,活化後的美利大廈改裝成五星級的香港美利酒店。大廈本身的獨特幾何設計和門前的古樹得以保留,而原本是舊停車場的行車道,改建成以白色大理石為主調的酒店大堂。市民可以從酒店不同的通道進出動植物公園和紅棉路,又或到酒店花園欣賞放置在戶外的藝術品。
Central market 中環街市
Constructed in 1938 Style: Bauhaus Restored & Reopened: August 23, 2021
建於 1938 年 建築風格:包浩斯 重新開放:2021 年 8 月 23 日
Image: Mike Chan | @Mikemikecat
Image: Nathan Tsui
Image: Jason Au
Central Market is a fresh food market and the first wet market in Hong Kong, with roots that date back to 1842. It was in operation from 1939 to 2003, and is one of only two existing market buildings in the city from its era. After 80 years since its construction, the Urban Renewal Authority led a major revitalization project to restore and preserve the landmark structure, turning it into a new and vibrant centre for local retailers, small eateries and public space that would inject energy and enrich the everyday life of the city. The typographic details in signage and branding weave together a hip contemporary spirit with its industrial past, and interior design features such as the host of red “market” lamps is inviting and playful. The goal is for this community project to become a prime hotspot and a “playground for all.”
中環街市位於港島中區。二十世紀末,大型商廈相繼於中區落成,住宅逐漸遷離,中環街市不能再發揮原有建築用途,並於2003年正式結業。及至2021年,市區重建局與私營發展商聯手,活化這幢已有八十年歷史的三級歷史建築物,為中環街市注入 Playground for All 概念,打造成「親」、「動」、「融」兼備的活力社區熱點,既保留集體回憶,也為社區帶來嶄新的體驗。除了重現歷史建築,中環街市活化項目亦透過靈活及互動的設計,打造成一個「廿一世紀Marketplace」。門口位置掛有搶眼且富本地街市特色的紅色燈罩陣、內部部份位置依然保留當年街市檔口間隔,將昔日街市風光一一重現。復修後的中環街市更吸引特色食肆、文青小店等進駐,在促進本地品牌和初創企業的成長之餘,更令中環街市成為連繫鄰里的聚腳點,及培育文化和生活態度的新一代地標。
Image: Jason Au
Image: Jason Au
Image: Chiang Tsz Kwan | @Tszkwanchiang
Image: Jason Au
SPonsored by HKETO.
Carried by the River, an original play by Diana Tso 曹楓, is a transformative journey about Kai, a young Asian woman raised in Canada, who uncovers a life-altering truth after her mother’s passing and embarks on a trip to China. The production, which touches on themes of memory and and identity, features performances by Shiong-en Chan, emerging dancer Tai Wei Foo 符岱微, and music by Alice Ping Yee Ho 何冰頤. Directed and choreographed by William Yong 楊漢源, the play will be staged at Tarragon Extraspace from March 8 to 23, 2025.