Tirion Law: Time As Foundation For A Ballerina’s Life 台上一分鐘,台下十年功
Written by the Fête Chinoise team (jennifer LAu)
Translated by Elaine Sun
editor: Deborah Lau-Yu
Her repertoire with Hong Kong Ballet includes Swan Lake, The Sleeping Beauty, The Nutcracker, Romeo and Juliet, Pinocchio, Coppèlia, Don Quixote, Lady of the Camellias, Le Corsaire, Sechs Tanze and Serenade — The Vertiginious Thrill of Exactitude being her favourite.Tirion continues to train despite the 2020 pandemic and shares much of her wisdom as a professional ballerina on her Youtube channel.
憑著158厘米的身高,這位出生於香港,隨後在新西蘭受訓的年輕芭蕾舞蹈家充份地享受著成為加拿大國家芭蕾舞團一員的時光。Tirion Law於2018年正式加入加拿大國家芭蕾舞團。她出演過的節目包括《愛麗絲夢遊仙境》、《胡桃夾子》、《安娜.卡列尼娜》、《夢》、《帕奎塔》、《The Second Detail》和《The Vertiginous Thrill of Exactitude》。此前,她在香港芭蕾舞團演出包括《天鵝湖》、《沉睡的美人》、《胡桃夾子》、《羅密歐與朱麗葉》、《皮諾曹》、《科佩利亞》、《唐吉坷德》、《茶花女》、《海盜》、《律動的神采》和《小夜曲》。其中,《The Vertiginous Thrill of Exactitude》乃是她最鍾愛的。儘管2020年新冠病毒爆發,Tirion仍在繼續接受訓練,並且在她的YouTube頻道上跟觀眾分享了自己作為職業芭蕾舞演員的經驗。
Tirion Law with Artists of the Ballet in Class on Stage. photography: Karolina Kuras. Courtesy of The National Ballet of Canada.
Tirion, which means kind and gentle, was a name I chose for myself. This unique name would correspond perfectly with the one-of-a-kind experiences in my ballet career. I started in Hong Kong with very supportive parents. Although ballet school was an hour away from home and I would attend classes after my regular school day, my parents would wait for me to eat dinner each night and my mom would pick me up after each class. This parental support is hard to find in Hong Kong, and I am extremely grateful for my parents.
My dream came true when I came to Canada to be part of the National Ballet of Canada, one of the most well-known and greatest ballet companies in the world. I felt honoured to perform at the Four Seasons Performing Arts Centre — the largest theatre I had danced in. I always feel good in the theatre, the audience is very active and often gives standing ovations, which is not as common in other cities. And I feel very blessed because I have the privilege of being mentored by Xiaonan Yu — the first ethnic Chinese principal ballet dancer of NBC. I am especially fond of her as she would always look after me when I was injured, and is open to sharing her experiences with all.
I always knew I would live abroad as a professional ballet dancer. In my home city, there is only one academy — The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts — but it requires its pupils to finish their high school exams before applying to the school. My ballet teacher believed that by the age of 18 or 19, I would have missed the best window of opportunity for professional ballet school. So at the age of 16, I went to the New Zealand School of Dance for training. That is also why today, I am diligently studying for my GED.
“Behind each dance, each perfect performance, lies 1000 practices. 每場舞蹈,每場完美的表演背後,都背負著1000次練習的血汗在其中。”
Because of my decision to pursue ballet, I missed out on quality time with friends and family. Ballet replaced a large part of my social life. I would always be rushing from school to ballet class — which were at the opposite ends of the Hong Kong MTR. I did not go to see movies with friends and I hardly ate out with classmates. Weekends would be filled up with more classes. Yet it was my dream to be a ballerina and I had to pursue it. It was and is hard to strike a balance between studies and training, but I encourage everyone to pursue their dreams with perseverance.
In 2019, I proved myself and had the honour to be coached and encouraged by the famous American choreographer William Forsythe. Even though the performance we worked on was only 11 minutes long, it was the most tiring piece I have ever completed.
sponsored by ferris wheel press.
在2019年,Tirion也證明了自己的能力,得到了著名的美國編舞家William Forsythe的指導和鼓勵。儘管表演時間只有11分鐘長,但她表示,這是她完成過的作品中最辛苦的表演。
A Chinese idiom represents the sentiments of each performance: “台上一分鐘,台下十年功” loosely translated as “a minute on stage requires ten years off-stage.” I remember one of my favourite performances being only 10 minutes on stage, but we prepared for months and months. Rehearsing the dance was so difficult, and to gain stamina we would keep redoing it, we would go to the gym to run, some would go swimming just to be prepared for those 10 minutes on stage. The audience does not know this — they might enjoy the dance but not fully understand how hard we worked and how many injuries we sustained. Behind each dance, each perfect performance, lies 1000 practices. It is also not limited to one performance, as ballerinas dedicate their lives and bodies to the art.
Brendan Saye, Jordana Daumec, Tirion Law, Jeannine Haller and Skylar Campbell in The Vertiginous Thrill of Exactitude. photography: Karolina Kuras. Courtesy of The National Ballet of Canada.
During the pandemic and after much consideration, I returned home to be with my family as the company declared that they would postpone all in-person practices and performances until September. I hope to continue virtual ballet classes with the company and return next season to perform. In the meantime, I am also sharing my experiences as a ballerina on Youtube, in hopes to encourage and enlighten the next generation of ballerinas. The dedication and time it takes to become a ballerina requires unshakable perseverance and resilience, and that, is time well spent.
photography: Karolina Kuras. Courtesy of The National Ballet of Canada.
sponsored by ferris wheel press.
In Universal Music Canada’s innovative headquarters in Toronto’s Liberty Village, Jeffrey Remedios oversees a creative hub that opened its doors in 2022, marking a new chapter for the company in the post-pandemic era. The space, designed to foster collaboration, imagination and innovation, features state-of-the-art recording studios, a performance venue and open-concept office areas bathed in natural light.