A Harmonious Manifesto: Tik Ka From East 迪嘉: 情懷未變
English 英: Tiffany Leigh · Chinese 中:Christina Li 文禮
Images: Courtesy of Tik Ka from East
Photographed by Chris Chong, Butter Studios
Tik Ka Ng, otherwise known as Tik Ka from East, creates art that wakes the consciousness and transports the observer into a vivid, fantastical dreamscape of colliding cultures. The Hong Kong-born multimedia artist who now resides in the United Kingdom has an unbridled talent for bringing the historical mysticism of East Asian arts (particularly Chinese mythology) and blending it with modern pop culture iconography into his work.
Since his departure from the advertising agency world as a creative director and into one as a self-taught artist in 2006, he’s made an indelible mark on the hearts and minds of doting admirers and curious onlookers around the world. What is most remarkable is that his work is able to bridge the ‘East-West’ divide without succumbing to stereotypes and clichés. Drawing upon his upbringing which was during the era when Hong Kong was under British colonial rule — a literal fusion of worlds — has informed his keen and harmonious interpretation of the proverbial ‘East meets West’ expression. He’s coupled this inherent perspective with his advertising background and it has helped immensely in distilling the message in each of his pieces.
Tik Ka’s 2017 work titled Warrior from the Jade Galaxy 《異形玉璽》 is a prime example of his commitment to his craft. He is someone who is constantly and very actively collaborating and creating. These ferocious sculptures were officially licensed by 20th Century Fox Film Corporation and its cult movie franchise Alien vs Predator. Tik Ka conjured the mash-up of two icons in their respective cultures: otherworldly lifeforms creeping out of the West’s Hollywood studios and reimagined as ancient dynastic Chinese ‘jade’ headstones from the Far East. Crafted out of vinyl moulds and using intricate colour mixing, the four sculptures of the Alien Queen, Alien Warrior, Predator and Alien Egg — are forever immortalized for their stark modernist expressions but grounded with historic beauty and are finished with an imperial seal.
迪嘉 Tik Ka 是香港土生土長的藝術家,擅長將歐美日的流行電影動漫人物,加入東方元素,重新演繹;又愛將中國經典人物卡通漫畫化,透過作品展示中西共融的潮流藝術風格。2006年,迪嘉毅然跳出工作多年的廣告行業,開始全職藝術生涯。短短十數載,已於香港、台灣、中國、新加坡、巴黎、倫敦、洛杉磯及多倫多等地舉行個人及聯展,作品獲國際傳媒高度關注,當中包括前漫威漫畫負責人Stan Lee及荷里活影星Robert Downey Jr.。很多人會被迪嘉的獨特風格和幽默感吸引,其實更值得關注的是細節中滲出的訊息。
Tik Ka is also a realist and knows the value of listening to his fanbase. His《Trend – Three Kingdoms 潮流》 figurines, which started in 2020 is indicative of this and continues to be highly coveted by collectors. In collaboration with ZCWO, a toy and art e-retailer, Tik Ka continues his interpretative homage to the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, a historic/fictional literary saga by Luo Guanzhong based on the Han dynasty’s (220-280 CE) era of legendary rule and its subsequent downfall. As a child, Tik Ka was an avid reader of these stories, and his primary takeaway was that “heroes may vanish, but their spirits remain.” With this overarching philosophy, each year, he has chosen to honour the Three Kingdoms with the release of a revered character. The first was the debut of 《Chiu Lau – Guan 關》, a figure representing loyalty, to much critical acclaim. The following year,《Chiu Lau – Fei 飛 》 joined the series, representing courage; and most recently, Liang 亮 was added to the fold: he was an important Chinese statesman and military strategist.
現居英國的迪嘉,其獨特風格始於殖民地時代的香港:「年幼時去虎豹別墅,會見到鍾馗側邊題有英文字, 這種混搭式香港文化一直影響我。中西合璧碰撞出天馬行空的概念,『平衡』是每件作品的成功因素 —— 中式與西方元素的兼收並蓄、商業與藝術價值權衡協調。」平衡可以令創作經得起時間考驗,作品才會歷久常新。
Tik Ka has also since offered enriching iterations of these sculptures which include transforming the vinyl to a woodgrain aesthetic, a washed antique ceramic look, and even a vaporwave finish. The unifying force of these figurines is their uncanniness to weave ancient historical figures with an aesthetically street-style allure of our contemporary world.
談到常新,不得不提及迪嘉被瘋傳的兩組得意之作:《潮流》系列的靈感取材自中國古典名著《三國演義》的人物,作品分別為《Guan 關》、《Fei 飛》、《Liang 亮》的搪膠雕塑,將家傳户曉的關羽、張飛及諸葛亮打扮成身穿潮褸、腳踏波鞋、手持古代兵器,以精細的製作賦予經典人物的另一種形象,表達出「英雄豪傑都會隨時代洪流而逝,唯一精神永存」。
With the countless colorways and mediums he has worked with, in 2023, Tik Ka went back to his roots in using acrylic on canvas, which is aptly depicted with his latest series. With every brush stroke, the collection speaks to his personal move from Hong Kong to the United Kingdom, and the notion that like clouds, life is never fixed. However, it is important to cultivate awareness (by perhaps, glancing up once in a while) to appreciate life before it literally drifts by. The essence of humanity’s ever-shifting complexes is shown in his work with his Fa Ruozen 法若真 — inspired rolling, sweeping clouds. These monochrome swirls are counterbalanced with Tik Ka’s signature injection of pop culture icons that span from Snoopy to Iron Man, bringing grounded connections and levity to an otherwise profound topic. To finish on an optimistic note, he illuminates key areas with gold leaf to signify hope (particularly desirable if you find yourself in a dark place).
With Tik Ka’s elaborate body of work, he champions his conviction and talent for fusing the East and the West together. Ultimately, he remains ever gracious and grateful that his art continues to captivate the senses and the soul.
另一廣為關注的系列剛於多倫多2023 Fête Chinoise Gala Showcase 展出。有別於迪嘉過往的創作,這系列只用上黑白灰色的天空,於一片灰暗中巧妙地加上金箔點綴,令觀眾在乏味的灰暗中發現閃閃曙光。畫布上,天空以外,更繪上70後兒時的經典動畫角色,提醒我們毋忘童心及追夢的堅持。天空的無常是一種恒常,而人間的無常卻是一種恒常的失常。「外貌早改變,處境都變,情懷未變……」,迪嘉提醒我們總有一些情與事是永恆不變的。
Chinese culture values symbolism. On important occasions like the wedding banquet, the ingredients used are chosen with care, and each dish carries different meanings. A typical Chinese wedding banquet menu includes either ten or twelve dishes, symbolizing "full and perfection" or implying that the couple will have happiness throughout the twelve months of the year. For this special feature, we invited Rovey Chinese Catering and Private Dining, to demonstrate twelve classic Chinese wedding banquet courses and introduce the meaning behind each dish.