The Last Dance《破•地獄》: Hong Kong's Unique Take on Life, Death, and Tradition
Press Release from Asian Cinema USA & Canada & LRDG Marketing, With Notes from Fête Chinoise Editorial Team
Directed by Anselm Chan 陳茂賢
Starring: Dayo Wong 黃子華, Michael Hui 許冠文, Michelle Wai 衛詩雅
At the heart of Hong Kong’s Hung Hom district, several long-established funeral parlours have become iconic landmarks for locals. The recent Hong Kong blockbuster The Last Dance《破•地獄》 has just premiered in Hong Kong cinemas, offering a unique glimpse into the lives of a funeral planner and a traditional Daoist priest who work within these parlours.
Known for their comedic timing and exceptional performances, Dayo Wong 黃子華 and Michael Hui 許冠文 make a memorable return in this film, breaking new ground with a story that explores farewells, tradition, and the profound question of what it means to "live on." The Last Dance reveals the behind-the-scenes world of funeral rituals in Hong Kong, shedding light on a subject that is typically considered inauspicious. While death is often the focus when talking about funerals, the film shifts attention to the living—those who remain behind—and explores how they process grief and navigate their emotional journeys after a loss.
The Last Dance Preview Screening in Richmond HIll
The film also explores today’s unique cultural landscape, where the younger generation is increasingly questioning the meaning and relevance of traditional customs. It delves into the delicate balance between preserving age-old practices and adapting them to a rapidly changing world, raising the universal question of how we can honour the past while shaping the future. It’s not about rejecting tradition, but about finding ways to carry it forward in a way that resonates with each new generation.
The Last Dance has already become a massive success in Hong Kong, breaking single day box office records and grossing over $70 million to date.
Despite the pandemic sending most industries into recession, debt-ridden wedding planner Dominic (Dayo Wong) gets a miraculous chance to turn things around when a funeral planner retires and passes the baton to him. His creative gimmicks for funerals help his business find unexpected success, but Dominic’s biggest obstacle is winning the approval of respected and sternly traditional Taoist priest, Master Man (Michael Hui). After some unordinary funerals, Dominic gradually understands Master Man’s code of ethics and the meaning behind each farewell.
Starring Dayo Wong 黃子華, Michael Hui 許冠文, Michelle Wai 衛詩雅, and Pak Hong Chu 朱栢康.
婚禮策劃師道生(黃子華飾)因婚禮市場蕭條而債台高築,被迫改行成為葬禮經紀人。紅白二事大 相逕庭,令道生處處碰壁,但最難一關是要得到喃嘸師傅文哥(許冠文飾)的認可。起初因為理念不合,道生與文哥衝突不斷,兩人的關係岌岌可危。但數次危難時刻文哥的出手相助,以及親歷文哥與女兒文玥(衛詩雅 飾)的相處點滴,道生與文哥之間的心結慢慢解開,也逐漸悟到「破地獄」的真正意義。
The Last Dance Official Trailer
In Cantonese with English Subtitles
What is “Break Hell’s Gates” (破地獄)?
In Daoist cosmology, 地獄 (Hell) refers to the realm of the afterlife, a place where souls are judged and punished. The term 破地獄 implies an act of breaking through or transcending this realm, symbolizing not just the passage of death but also the journey beyond the conventional understanding of the afterlife.
Philip Yung’s 翁子光 Papa《爸爸》arrives in North American cinemas on March 14. Inspired by a real 2010 case in Hong Kong, the film follows a father grappling with unimaginable loss after his son, who suffers from schizophrenia, kills his wife and daughter. Sean Lau delivers a career-defining performance, capturing the depths of a father’s sorrow and resilience.