How I Mesmerize My Kids with Chinese
Written by Cola Xia
Translated by Jennifer J. Lau
Photography by Wang Yao
How can one teach one’s children who are born overseas, Chinese? This has become a top priority amongst Chinese immigrant parents of this generation. Language is the most intimate connection between children who are born overseas and their own native culture. Chinese is very difficult language to learn; yet at the same time it is a very interesting and rich language from Chinese characters to the corresponding Romanization system. We hope our children will never forget their mother’s native tongue and its beautiful legacy.
“[Chinese] is a very interesting and rich language from Chinese characters to the corresponding Romanization system.”
I have two sons and have contemplated how it is that I can introduce Chinese to them. We reside in Canada, where they were born, which is very different than Shandong and Jiangsu, where my husband and I are from. I have two methods that I hope will set a strong foundation for children to adopt their mother tongue.
Firstly, create an environment where children can engage with the language. After my children were born, I spoke to them solely in Chinese. In the beginning their pronunciation was not perfect, but later they could clearly enunciate each Chinese syllable, word, and then full sentences! Children naturally imitate others – they even pick up certain idioms from the discussions between parents. As their consciousness of the world is being formed, they will remember how to use Chinese to express themselves. This environment, however, is challenged when they begin to attend day school. As with their ability to pick up Chinese, children acquire English at an extremely impressive speed that always exceeds our expectations. When their primary studies and after-school activities are executed in English, they will likely begin to shy away from speaking Chinese at home. Parents, however, must continue to use Chinese at home; this is commendable behaviour.
Secondly, it is also important to actively cultivate an interest in learning Chinese. Instead of forcing them to learn, why not inspire them to engage with the language through their interests. When they are passionate, the learning process will be a breeze and they will be much happier. Calligraphy, painting, and songs can all cultivate their interest in and understanding of Chinese culture. We, as parents, can foster in them a passion for the language.
For children born abroad, learning Chinese can be a long and challenging process. On behalf of all parents, I hope that children can accept and master this language that is both significant and mesmerizing. From pronunciation, to recognizing characters, to reading and writing, and finally to having the ability to understand and express themselves, we hope they can experience and appreciate the playfulness and mystery of Chinese. Ultimately, may they can continue this beautiful tradition for their children and their children’s children.
Cola Xia is a businesswoman, fashionista, and young mother of two. She is passionate about her community and connecting people with Chinese culture and has been on the Fête Chinoise committee for the past two years.