In Broad Daylight, We’re Still Believing《白日之下》
Press Release from illume films, with notes from Deborah Lau-Yu
DIrected by Lawrence Kan
The film that has swept Hong Kong’s box offices, and is making an impact as it tours in various film festivals, is arriving in North America!
Interview with Director Lawrence KAn
Join us for an exclusive interview with director Lawrence Kan as he shares captivating behind-the-scenes stories of his latest film.
If karma does not exist, would you still choose kindness?
Based on true events, In Broad Daylight reveals a little-known truth about residential care homes for the disabled that hides beneath the headlines. A news organization’s investigative journalism unit receives a tip about the abuse of residents in Rainbow Bridge Care Home. To expose the home’s wrongdoings, reporter Kay (Jennifer Yu) goes undercover to expose the inhumanity inside, searching for the cruel truth under broad daylight.
Starring David Chiang, Jennifer Yu, Bowie Lam, Chung-hang Leung, Charm Man Chan, Henick Chou, Rachel Leung, Mimi Chi-yan Kung, Pui-yue Bo, Pak-him Chu, Pak Hon Chu, and more.
While the screenplay is based on a local story, the themes and emotions of this riveting film are relevant to any community in the world right now: journalism, aging, housing, caring for those in need, and maintaining hope and truth are all under constant threat.
DIRECOTR Lawrence Kan 導演簡君晉
Director Lawrence Kan
Reposted from Lawrence Kan Instagram
Lawrence Kan graduated from Vancouver Film School. His first film, When C Goes with G7《當C遇上G7》(2013), was selected for the "Hong Kong First" section of Hong Kong Asian Film Festival 2013. In 2021, he directed his first TV series In Geek We Trust《IT狗》, whose lead actors Ling Manlung and Kaki Sham were nominated for Best Rising Star and Best Supporting Actor, respectively, at Busan International Film Festival’s Asia Contents Award. Ling won the Best Rising Star. In 2022, Kan directed his second feature film In Broad Daylight.
簡君晉畢業於溫哥華電影學院電影製作系。他的導演首作長片《當C遇上G7》(2013)講述年青人成長的故事,入圍2013年香港亞洲電影節「香港首作」單元。2021年創作及執導Viu TV電視劇《IT狗》,演員凌文龍及岑珈其更憑劇中角色角逐「釜山電影節 -亞洲內容大獎」,凌文龍更奪得最佳新星大獎。2022年,第二部執導長片《白日之下》拍攝完畢。
Director’s Statement 導演的話
In 2016, news of abuse in a residential care home for the disabled shocked Hong Kong and drew anger from all sectors of society. We live in pursuit of social stability and prosperity, but some people can’t even live with basic essentials and fundamental human dignity. This report remained deeply imprinted in my mind, so I sought out the investigative journalist behind the report. Journalists traverse the darkness in search of light, all for the hope of putting the spotlight on injustices. Sometimes, their fights end in vain, and all they get in return is a sense of hopelessness. Even in broad daylight, darkness can show its fangs. Yet, journalists remain steadfast in their cause. This gave me the creative angle and idea for In Broad Daylight.
IN Broad Daylight Official Trailer
Release Date: December 8th. 2023
“In Broad Daylight brings back memories of The Lunatics from 37 years ago. The story is worthy of being captured on film—not necessarily to revolutionize the world, but at the very least, to keep provoking questions.”
—Producer Derek Yee
In Broad Daylight Hong Kong POster
Philip Yung’s 翁子光 Papa《爸爸》arrives in North American cinemas on March 14. Inspired by a real 2010 case in Hong Kong, the film follows a father grappling with unimaginable loss after his son, who suffers from schizophrenia, kills his wife and daughter. Sean Lau delivers a career-defining performance, capturing the depths of a father’s sorrow and resilience.