Mad Fate 命案: Film Noir In Hong Kong Style
Press release + PHOTOGRAPHY
Courtesy of Illume Films
Director 導演: Soi CHEANG 鄭保瑞
Producers 監製: Johnnie TO 杜琪峯, YAU Nai Hoi 游乃海, Elaine CHu 朱淑儀
Scriptwriters 編劇: YAU Nai Hoi 游乃海, Melvin LI 李春暉
Key Cast: LAM Ka Tung 林家棟, Lokman YEUNG 楊樂文
On a rainy evening, a fortune telling master (LAM Ka Tung) tries to help a prostitute avert certain death, but fate has plans of its own. He arrives at the prostitute’s home just a few minutes too late, watching her take her last breath while Siu Tung (Lokman YEUNG) stares at her corpse with creepy fascination. When he foretells that Siu Tung will soon commit murder, the Master believes that he has the power to change the inevitable. On the contrary, the veteran detective (Berg NG) who once sent Siu Tung to jail for brutally killing a cat believes that Siu Tong is a born psychopath whose bloodthirst cannot be stopped.
While Siu Tung becomes increasingly overwhelmed by his insatiable desire for murder, the Master puts his sanity on the line to change the course of fate. But is it possible to defeat the all-powerful force that paves life’s path?
雨夜, 命案悄然發生, 兇手殘殺鳳姐
一心幫鳳姐化解「死刧」的命理大師看着屍體, 悲痛莫名。送錯外賣的茶餐廳少東踏着鮮血, 興奮莫名。二人機緣巧合遇上!大師算出少東將會因殺人而犯牢獄之災, 少東害怕再陷囹圄, 求大師幫忙改命。曾目睹少東殺貓的老差骨堅信少東是天生的心理變態, 甩不掉嗜血本性, 大師卻認為既是天生, 那錯的不是少東, 是命運!大師使盡風水術數、中西玄學, 但總是人算不如天算, 鎩羽而歸…黔驢技窮之際, 老差骨步步進逼、兇手虎視眈眈、還有年輕鳳姐的致命誘惑, 令少東的殺念越加熾烈, 執刀就要踏上殺戮之路!而大師也瀕臨精神崩潰, 命中注定的大刧將至!
一切皆是命, 半點不由人?
Director Statement
“Mad Fate is a very special project that is hard to be classified. Nai Hoi said that he wanted to write an inspirational film.”
As a filmmaker, I found myself fascinated and intrigued when Nai Hoi first told me the story. However, the production process made me feel powerless, like I was punching the air aimlessly. All the force I threw into it yielded nothing. All I could do was to take it one step at a time. The same goes for the film’s characters; they put in every ounce of strength to solve the problems fate put in their way, only to see their efforts go in vain. Yet, they still choose to bite the bullet.
作為導演, 第一次聽到乃海的故事, 充滿了好奇, 產生了很大的興趣!但想不到, 製作的過程充滿了無力感。感覺你怎樣揮拳, 也只是打著空氣, 花了力氣, 得不到結果!你能做的, 也就只是一步一步走下去⋯⋯!故事裡面的角色也是, 用很大的力氣去解決命運給他們的問題, 也是花了力氣, 得不到結果⋯⋯, 但他們最後還是選擇用盡了自己的力量!
《命案》是一個比較奇妙的電影, 不知道怎麼歸類, 乃海說, 他想寫一部勵志片!
About the Director
Director 導演 : Soi Cheang 鄭保瑞
Born in Macau in 1972, the filmmaker, actor and screenwriter made his directing debut with Our Last Days. His films have screened at numerous festivals: Motorway screened at Locarno Film Festival, SPL2: A Time For Consequences screened at Toronto International Film Festival and Accident was in competition at the Venice International Film Festival. His latest film, black-and-white stylish thriller Limbo, premiered at the Berlinale and later earned him 14 nominations at the 40th Hong Kong Film Awards. His greatest commercial success, The Monkey King series, achieved total box office returns of over 440 million US dollars.
Producer 監製: Johnnie To 杜琪峯
Johnnie To has directed and produced more than 70 feature films in a career spanning five decades. A versatile filmmaker whose catalogue of work covers a variety of genres, he is best known internationally for his action and crime movies – including The Mission, Election and Vengeance – that have earned him cult status and critical acclaim, as well as commercial success and recognition at major film festivals. The prolific, stylish and ceaselessly inventive Johnnie TO is Hong Kong’s preeminent filmmaker. His latest features are always amongst the most anticipated at major international film festivals, including Cannes, Venice, Berlin and Toronto. While other leading lights from the Golden Age of Hong Kong cinema have taken their talents elsewhere, TO has remained, crafting gripping and touching stories in his unique, chaotic and endlessly surprising hometown.
Scriptwriter 編劇: Yau Nai Hoi 游乃海
One of Hong Kong’s most popular scriptwriters, YAU Nai Hoi began his career in television from 1989 to 1992 before working on films with Johnnie TO. Having worked closely with Johnnie and WAI Ka Fai at Milkyway Image for nearly three decades since its establishment in 1996, YAU is now one of the core members of the company. He has written more than 30 screenplays, including The Mission and Election. YAU made his directorial debut in 2007 with Eye in the Sky, which earned eight nominations at the 27th Hong Kong Film Awards. It was adapted into Korean version Cold Eyes. In 2016, YAU took up the role of producer, producing award-winning titles such as Trivisa and Three.
Lam Ka Tung 林家棟
Award-winning Hong Kong actor and film producer, LAM is one of the most prolific actors in Hong Kong cinema. His notable works include: Election, Trivisa and Limbo.
Lokman Yeung 楊樂文
Team Leader of Hong Kong pop sensation MIRROR and an up-and-coming actor in Hong Kong. His notable works include: The Way We Dance and The Way We Keep Dancing.
香港新晉男演員,同時為香港跳唱組合 MIRROR的隊長,代表作包括《狂舞派》 系列。
Philip Yung’s 翁子光 Papa《爸爸》arrives in North American cinemas on March 14. Inspired by a real 2010 case in Hong Kong, the film follows a father grappling with unimaginable loss after his son, who suffers from schizophrenia, kills his wife and daughter. Sean Lau delivers a career-defining performance, capturing the depths of a father’s sorrow and resilience.